Department of Business Administration

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Department Overview

In the era of globalization and business integration, BBA has internationally become a necessary discourse that provides skills to be a part of the trade and business world and windows for self-employment. The Department of Business Administration is one of the main faculties of Tagore University of Creative Arts that offers an Undergraduate degree program in business education with a clear objective to develop competent and efficient business executives as well as entrepreneurs. Presently, It offers BBA major in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Management. The BBA degree at TUCA has been designed to provide a comprehensive education that combines both theoretical knowledge and practical application which results in personality development that will open the window of professional skills. In addition, the BBA program will stimulate students to have higher studies including an MBA in forthcoming years.

Admission Requirements

At least second division or GPA 2.5 or equivalent grade in SSC and HSC or any equivalent examinations. In the case of securing a GPA of 2.00 either in SSC or HSC, the candidate must earn at least a sum of the total GPA of 6.00 in SSC and HSC.

In the case of O-Level & A-Level, candidates must have five (5) & two (2) subjects respectively. They must earn a B-grade/ GPA of 4.00 in at least four (4) subjects and a C-grade/ GPA of 3.50 in the rest.

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction of BBA is English.

Academic Schedule

The duration of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA-Honors) program is four (4) years. Each academic year is composed of two (2) semesters i.e. six (6) months per semester. At the end of each semester, students must appear in the examination, and promotion to the next semester will depend on the result.

Major offered: Finance/ Accounting/ Marketing/ Management
Year and Semester Wise Credit Distribution

Total Credit Hours in Four Years: 136

YearSemesterCredit Count
(Per credit= 1 Hour Class/ Week)
Total Number
(Per Credit = 25 marks)
1st  Year1st Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
2nd Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
2nd  Year1st Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
2nd Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
3rd  Year1st Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
2nd Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
4th Year1st Semester18 Credits18*25= 450
2nd Semester10 Credits10*25= 250
Total136 Credits3600 marks

Year 1: Semester 1

Serial No.Course TitleCredits
1বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্য3.0
2Introduction to Business3.0
3Principles of Management3.0
4Principles of Accounting3.0
5Legal Environment of Business3.0
6Business Mathematics3.0

 Year 1: Semester 2

Serial No.Course TitleCredits
1English Language & Literature3.0
2Financial Accounting3.0
3Principles of Finance3.0
4Principles of Marketing3.0
5Introduction to Computer3.0
6Business Communication3.0

Year 2: Semester 1

Serial No.Course TitleCredits
1স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের অভ্যুদয়3.0
2Organizational Behavior3.0
3Micro Economics3.0
4Business Statistics-I3.0
5Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting3.0
6Marketing Management3.0

Year 2: Semester 2

Serial No.Course TitleCredits
1রবীন্দ্রনাথের  জীবন ও দর্শন3.0
2Macro Economics3.0
3Business Statistics-II3.0
4Human Resource Management3.0
5Business Taxation3.0
6Business Match-113.0

Year 3: Semester 1

Serial No.Course Title (Major in Accounting)Credits
1Financial Accounting3.0
2Business Law3.0
3Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management3.0
4Financial Statement Analysis3.0
5Financial Management3.0
6Cost Accounting3.0

Year 3: Semester 1

Serial No.Course Title (Major in Finance)Credits
1Corporate Finance3.0
2Business Law3.0
3Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management3.0
4Financial Statement Analysis3.0
5Financial Management3.0
6Cost Accounting3.0

Year 3: Semester 1

Serial No.Course Title (Major in Marketing)Credits
1Retail Marketing3.0
2Business Law3.0
3Pricing Strategy3.0
4Service Marketing3.0
5Direct and Interactive Marketing3.0
6Consumer Behavior3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Management)Credits
1Retail Marketing3.0
2Business Law3.0
3Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management3.0
4Production and Operation Management3.0
5Social Business3.0
6Consumer Behavior3.0

Year 3: Semester 2

Serial No.Course Title (Major in Accounting)Credits
1Financial Market and Institution3.0
2Corporate Tax3.0
3Corporate Accounting3.0
4Security Valuation & Portfolio Management3.0
5Accounting Information Systems3.0


Insurance and Risk Management



Serial No.Course Title (Major in Finance)Credits
1Environmental Management3.0
2Financial System and Monetary Policy3.0
3Capital Markets3.0
4Security Valuation & Portfolio Management3.0
5Management Information Systems3.0
6Insurance and Risk Management3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Marketing)Credits
1Forecasting Models for Marketing3.0
2Supply Chain Management3.0
3Total Quality Management (TQM)3.0
4Tourism and Hospitality Marketing3.0
5Management Information Systems3.0
6Insurance and Risk Management3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Management)Credits
1Management Science Model3.0
2Management Thought3.0
3Total Quality Management3.0
4International Business Management3.0
5Management Information Systems3.0
6Insurance and Risk Management3.0

Year 4: Semester 1

Serial No.Course Title (Major in Accounting)Credits
1Advanced Financial Accounting3.0
2Financial Reporting3.0
3Auditing and Assurance3.0
4Management Accounting3.0
5Working Capital Management3.0
6Accounting Theory and Practice3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Finance)Credits
1International Finance3.0
2Financial Reporting3.0
3Auditing and Assurance3.0
4Banking and Insurance Management3.0
5Options and Future3.0
6Investment Theory3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Marketing)Credits
1International Marketing3.0
2Brand Management3.0
3Sales Management3.0
4Management of Small & Medium Enterprise3.0
5Marketing Research3.0
6Strategic Marketing Management3.0


Serial No.Course Title (Major in Management)Credits
1Industrial Relation & Conflict Management3.0
2Brand Management3.0


Strategic Management

4Management of Small & Medium Enterprise3.0
5Portfolio Management3.0
6Project Management3.0

Year 4; Semester 2

Serial No.Course TitleCredits
1Business Research Methodology3.0
2Factory or Field Visit1.0
3Internship or Research project & Viva-Voce6.0

Tuition Fees for BBA

Serial No.ParticularFees
1Semester Registration Fee [8×3,000]24,000/-
2Examination Fee [8×1,000]8,000/-
3Library & Co-curricular Activities [8×500]4,000/-
4Course Fee [136×2,000]272,000/-

Grades will be calculated as per the university grading structure and individual students will be evaluated based on the following criteria with respective weights.

Title of Distribution


Class Attendance


Class Sessional


Mid Term






  Remarks: A total 75% of marks will be converted into 100% for GPA calculation.

Sikder Md.Anowarul Islam

Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Nigar Sultana

Department of Business Administration
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Rana Ahammad

Department of Business Administration
Tagore University of Creative Arts


Faculty (Part-time)
Department of Business Administration
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Md. Shariful Islam

Faculty (Part-time)
Department of Business Administration
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Lt Col Md Anwarul Islam Khan AEC (Retd)

Resource Person
Bangladesh Studies
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Rashna Sharmin

Bangla Language & Literature
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Alpona Rani Saha

Bangla Language & Literature
Tagore University of Creative Arts

Farzana Rahman

English Language & Literature
Tagore University of Creative Arts